Wednesday, September 30, 2009

When everyone else says NO..........

When everyone else says no, what do you do? Most people listen and then start to think about what others are saying to them, get into a negative place and the start wondering why all this is going on........I ask the question Why Not? You see I want to know why I can't do something or why people think that something can't or shouldn't be done.

It makes more since to me to seek answers to the no's so I can prove to others that real answer is yes! What if every no was suddenly turned into a yes? What would be the result? It is hard to imagine a world that has all yes'! I for one would love to live in a would of yes'.

We can all try to change the world a little at a time by saying yes instead of no. What a change will come to be just by saying yes more often. I mean if we are saying yes them positive things will start happening in ways you can not even imagine. Let's start today!!!

Thanks for reading and stop by again soon for the next thought, or hey sign up as a follower and know when I have a thought worth talking about!

Kris Hanks

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