Saturday, April 24, 2010

Help increase your business 100% today for FREE

Help increase your business 100% today for free

I know you are thinking, Kris nothing is ever free. Bare with me for a few minutes and I will explain. This really is worth reading and implementing into your business no matter whether it is a online business or an offline business.

So let me ask you, what is the one thing that you look at the hardest in a business? What do you remember most about a business? For me it is customer service. I also think that for most people it is customer service. So where am I going with this?

Well if you look for good customer service in business what do you think others are looking for? That's right Customer service! If you want people to join you in your business then give them the BEST customer service. In today's fast paced world customer service has all been thrown out the window. I believe that if we bring it back and service people the best we can with their issues and concerns that we will set ourselves apart from the rest of the businesses out there.

You may have a business that is online or maybe it is offline, the fact is that YOU are your business no matter what the business is about. If you will take this one tip and put it to use you will begin to see your business grow and it will grow seemingly by itself.

This is my thought for today and it was my pleasure to share it with you. I hope that it made you think and that you will SHARE this with someone that you think will benefit from it.

Thanks again for reading my thoughts. Please sign up at the top right corner to get information sent straight to you.

Kris Hanks

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Be the best YOU you can be

Be the best YOU you can be........

What do I mean by this? Well who are YOU? What do YOU stand for? What do others see in YOU?

I realized a long time ago that in business of any kind YOU is the most important thing. You see we have to learn to be the best we possibly can be. I mean it isn't good enough to be our best sometimes, or most of the time we have to be our best all the time. You see in business we are the first thing that people see and so it is us that people are attracted to and us that they follow when they like what they get from us as a person.

When you go out to eat, do you like the waiter that seems like he would rather be doing 100 other things than serving you? When you are looking at a multimillion dollar investment do you want to do business with the guy or gal that seems like they are better than you are? Of course not! So what am I talking about here?

It is simple. We control who we are. No one else has anything to do with who we are. If you will start looking at YOU as your business, you will see great change. You will catch yourself doing something and thinking I hope I didn't say or do that with so in so. My grandmother used to say....always put your best foot forward! In effect this what I want you to think about when you are creating YOU. YOU want to be everything that you want others to be. Is it easy? Can you do it over night? Does it take practice? No it is not always easy, yes YOU can do it over night but most don't and of course it takes practice.

Create your best YOU and wear it only and things will change in your life rapidly. I hope that this has been of help to you and I would love for you to SHARE this with others. Thank you so much and if you would like to read more self help information go to and enjoy!

Thanks again and please sign up at the top right for more information sent straight to you!
Kris Hanks

Friday, April 16, 2010

Beware of the sign and drive

Beware of the sign and drive

What in the world is that? I mean how many commercials do you see for it on TV for car sales? You know the ones......they have fine print on I think that it is unfair to get people in to the dealerships with this tack tick. I mean I guess it has merit because it works for them but, it isn't that easy and they should not make it seem that way.

We have people in network marketing that are "sign and drive" promoters. What I mean by this is that they show you their program whatever it is, they dress it up in it's Sunday best and show you the money you could make with it, then telling you that when you sign up with them that your on easy street or that the business will build itself. Bull!!!!! DO NOT FALL FOR THIS!!!!!!

First of all it is a business. If they didn't tell you that then they sold you a dream. Businesses require work. It is never as easy as signing up to be a distributor in some program and next week the money will magically start falling from the sky! WAKE UP! This is 2010 the real world. You have to do something to get that business up and off the ground. Now maybe you have 100 people you can call and say jump and they ask how high, but if they aren't making money how long will they stay? When they have to keep paying the autoship and they can't get people to join them because they don't know how to run their business or people don't want they have to offer, how long will you have that 100 people? I will tell you. Average 90 days max! Then what?

Well then you go back and say what happened? I will tell you what happened, you got a sign and drive and that is what you promoted and like in the real world there is fine print that you should read. So now you are in this business, you can do two things. Quit or learn to do it right. Quitting is what most people do, they were looking for fast money or to get rich quick, they were not looking for a business; because a business equals work. On the other hand you can do what 3% of people do and that is pull up their sleeves and dig deep into what they have and figure out what makes it tick.

If you choose to do that, you are a leader! Leaders don't quit they figure out how to make something work and they help their team to do the same. I could go on here but the rest is for another time. Just know that we all get shown sign and drives and we all have to know there is no such thing and sign and get rich and that is what they are trying to sell you!

I hope that you learned from this information and know someone that it will help. Share, follow and most of all fill in the form in the right hand upper corner for loads more information. It has been my pleasure to write this and I hope it touches those it was meant for.

Thanks again for visiting,
Kris Hanks

Monday, April 12, 2010

Do you know the difference?

Do you know the difference between a sponsor and a recruiter?

I can not tell you how many times through the years I have heard people say "I sponsored a 100 people last month, year etc." I learned along time ago a very valuable lesson that I have two ears and one mouth for a reason. So if you hang around for awhile and watch and listen you will learn if that person really did sponsor that many people or not. So am I saying he lied? Am I saying he made it up? Well we will get to that in a few minutes.

I on the other hand have heard several times over the years "I sponsored 3 people last month" Then later as you are doing more listening than talking you hear about how this person helped his 3 people get their sites running and their products ordered and how he held four presentations for one of the 3 and two each for the other 2. Then a little later you here how this team has grown to over 300 people in a really fast amount of time.

Now I ask you; "Which one of these people is the sponsor? Which one do you want people to call you? Which one before reading this did you think you were?" Let me lead off buy saying there is nothing wrong with being a recruiter, in the right place, but Network Marketing is not a real good place to be a recruiter if you want to be successful and thought of highly in the industry.

The object of the game is is to be the leader and sponsor to the people that you would want from your sponsor. I would rather be known as the guy who only sponsor 10 people in my career than the one who put 1000 in and left them to figure it out on their own.

I hope this help you in your journey and that you know someone to share this with. Please fill out the form at the top right hand corner of this blog to get more info and mentoring like this from me. Thanks again, Kris Hanks

Sunday, April 11, 2010

How do I find a business opportunity?

How do I find a business opportunity?

You know that is one of the best questions that I get from time to time. My answer to that is always very similar. I usually answer back by asking a question first. I ask, "What excites you? What are you passionate about? "

Then they usually come back with....."Well what are you doing?" I have to stop here and ask you reading this, what since does this make? What difference does it make what I am doing? I mean I asked what got their juices flowing right? Maybe I am shoveling dog poop at the local SPCA. I mean seriously..........What I have a passion for may not be anything close to what gets you roaring!

So it goes back to......what do you like? What makes you happy? What helps you sleep at night? Most people will say having more money will help them sleep at night but really you have to have a vehicle to make that money. So do you love sports, working out, coins, health and wellness, web tech stuff, travel, make up? What is it that you can fall in love with and stick with til your dieing day? After all isn't the idea to find something that makes you want to get up in the morning and do that business every single day?

A long time ago in my career in network marketing those people that would ask me this question, I would put in my business and I could not understand why they left or didn't do well in the business. Well the simple fact is that what excited me, did not excite them. I felt like I was failing them, and then the light bulb went off. I wasn't failing them or me, you can not coach someone on something they do not want to do or that they do not have passion for. Save yourself alot of headaches and learn from my lesson, LOVE WHAT YOU DO!

When you get ready to locate a business for yourself, meditate on it, pray about it, make love to the idea before you pull the trigger!

Thanks for reading my thoughts and I hope that they have helped you. If this would help anyone that you know please feel free to share, forward, and leave comments about the content because your opinion matters to me! Thanks again, Kris Hanks

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What do you want?

What do you want?

Isn't that a good question? I mean take a minute and stop reading here and think, what do you want? This is the most common asked question among people everywhere. It can have alot of different meanings but what I want to know is what do YOU want? Why are you here? What are you looking for? Are you ready to stop struggling? Ok then, What do you want?

You see over the years that I have been successful in business, the way to help the most people is to find out what they want. It is the root for the tree, it is the wind beneath their wings etc. What I have learned in helping people become successful is that I have to dig deep and get to the core of what that person wants in life. Then the rest is easy because once you really know what someone wants in life or from life then it is as simple as showing that person solutions that will get them there. People are afraid of revealing their "real" want to others, so this may take some time and you have to have a real relationship with that person to get down deep and get to the real want.

Once you have that want it is a good practice to show that person how the Law of Attraction has been working in their life and how they can change the way it is working to get what they true desire! This will take many vehicles and much practice on their part but with out the knowledge of their true want, neither you nor them can get to it.

I hope this helps you along your journey and please let me know if I can ever help you in any way. Come back here, follow this blog, share it with those it will effect and please leave your comments so I may improve this blog for everyone.
Thanks so much, Kris Hanks

Monday, April 5, 2010

A learning time........

So the last time I was here, we were talking about True Health. A few people read that and offered some information on the subject and I have been looking and reading and meeting so many people in the health field!

So what have I learned? Do I have all the answers? Did I get the magic answer? Well.....let me say that I am confident that this is going to be a forever going process. I have learned much and feel better than I have in years. I will be sharing things as I learn them and feel that they apply to many people. I am going to share now some of the things that I learned and feel are important to most people.

I learned that I was right about the pills and the juice, it is not enough. So many things must change in order for people to have complete True Health. So you are asking like what Kris? Well your diet must change and we have to be more aware of what we are putting into our bodies. Putting in good will result in getting good out. For another that food, exercise, calorie and carb counting is not enough. So am I saying that that if we are the best at this we are still not healthy, NO! That is not what I am saying, I am saying that we have to really understand what complete health looks like and how to live it.

Did you realize that the air we breathe daily is harmful to us? Do you realize that the water that comes from our sinks and the bottled water we drink is toxic? Do you realize that most cancer can be averted and most illnesses are avoidable with good health?

Did you ever stop to wonder why our grandparents did have to go to the doctor as much as we do? Well the answer is simple, two generations of pollution, deterioration, neglect and carelessness. Because of these things we now are sicker, have more illnesses, and have diseases that no one has ever heard of before. Maybe that is why you can not turn on the TV and not see something about health care.

If we will learn more and apply what we learn, we can learn to be more PRO active as opposed to RE active. Now I am not saying anything bad about science and medicine, however it is my belief that by being more pro active we are in effect getting closer to True Health.

Check back here often as I will be updating more frequently and on various subjects! Thank you for coming by to hear my thoughts and I hope you will share and follow this blog where it applies in your life! Kris Hanks