Saturday, September 26, 2009

We can't always be were we want to be........

We can't always be were we want to be, just because that is nature. For instance I would like to be at an engagement I had planned for a while when along comes nature and changes the course of events. Now I could get bent out of shape and rant and rave and be all kinds of disappointed however instead I am happy to here. Now most people would say that being here instead of being were the plan was is not good. Now let's look at this, did anyone die? No. Did the world stop spinning? No. Did my friends and col lieges stop liking me or throw me out the business? No. So what really happened? An event got missed and the world is still spinning and everyone is breathing and there is another event coming up!!!!!! So what is the point to all this? Well the point is that there is only so much we can do sometimes to control what is going on in our lives, the rest we have to give way to and just be thankful for where we are and where we are going! You will not always hit your target or plan, just keep your head up and eyes forward and keep stepping one foot in front of the other and you will still get to the finish line like every one else!
Thanks for reading!! Come back for more!
Kris Hanks

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