Friday, October 30, 2009

Check into you.......................

Check into you! So you are saying "What are you talking about Kris?" Well very simply put when was the last time you checked into yourself? Do you know how critical you are when you check into a hotel? Well it is sort of the same principle. I mean you have to really look at each and every part of yourself and grade it.

If you did that right now, what would you get? As a matter of fact, stop and take a long look at yourself and give yourself a grade. You may not like what you get. You may feel like you have failed yourself and others, NOT SO! By stopping and looking realistically at yourself you are a winner no matter what grade you gave yourself!

Now, you have graded yourself and you may like it and you may not, however the wonderful part is only you know the grade and that allows you the ability to change it and correct the things that lower your grade. Truth here is the most important thing as you are only being truthful with yourself and if you can't do that well that is another lesson. Be truthful and dig deep into what prevents you from getting an A. You may not be able to fix it all at one time and I recommend that you break this up into sections and work on one at a time as to not get overwhelmed.

So you want to be an A+.......well you have to, check into you often and work on the things that keep you from hitting your goal and one day you will check into you and get that grade you so badly want!!!!

Why this is important is simple: we get caught up in hurry and do this, hurry get this done, hurry and get that person involved and you know what? We forget about us. We are the most important element in our as well as others lives!!!!!!

Thanks for reading and please follow, and share with others if you think this information is share worthy. To learn more about me go to

Thanks Kris Hanks

1 comment:

  1. Awesome blog! We are who we are, what we eat is who we are. We need more products like this. In todays world no one has the time nor capitol to eat healthy any more.
