Friday, October 30, 2009

Check into you.......................

Check into you! So you are saying "What are you talking about Kris?" Well very simply put when was the last time you checked into yourself? Do you know how critical you are when you check into a hotel? Well it is sort of the same principle. I mean you have to really look at each and every part of yourself and grade it.

If you did that right now, what would you get? As a matter of fact, stop and take a long look at yourself and give yourself a grade. You may not like what you get. You may feel like you have failed yourself and others, NOT SO! By stopping and looking realistically at yourself you are a winner no matter what grade you gave yourself!

Now, you have graded yourself and you may like it and you may not, however the wonderful part is only you know the grade and that allows you the ability to change it and correct the things that lower your grade. Truth here is the most important thing as you are only being truthful with yourself and if you can't do that well that is another lesson. Be truthful and dig deep into what prevents you from getting an A. You may not be able to fix it all at one time and I recommend that you break this up into sections and work on one at a time as to not get overwhelmed.

So you want to be an A+.......well you have to, check into you often and work on the things that keep you from hitting your goal and one day you will check into you and get that grade you so badly want!!!!

Why this is important is simple: we get caught up in hurry and do this, hurry get this done, hurry and get that person involved and you know what? We forget about us. We are the most important element in our as well as others lives!!!!!!

Thanks for reading and please follow, and share with others if you think this information is share worthy. To learn more about me go to

Thanks Kris Hanks

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The problem with network marketing...........

The problem with network marketing.......what is it exactly? Well you can ask a lot of people and you will get a wide variety of answers! I mean over the course of the many years that I have been in the Network Marketing field I have heard so many answers it is not funny.

So let's take a look at this a little closer and for those that have a weak stomach maybe you should not go any further. What makes someone ask this question? Often times it is because they signed up with a company that a friend was in and said they could make a lot of money......hummm how many have heard that one? Other times it is an opportunity that was presented to them and they saw a way to make "quick" money. Or maybe they were tired of their day to day job and wanted something different and got involved for a change. Then there are those that saw the shiny cars and big homes and frequent vacations etc. Last but not least there are those that thought they could jump in at "just the right time" and make a fortune, sit back and live happily ever after!

Well I am not going to tell you that any of these reasons are ones that you should join a Network Marketing opportunity for, you see I don't believe that. I also know that this is what gives the industry a bad name. Greed and Ego have no home here! You can not build anything on greed, ego and untruth and it last. You also can not build anything without the right education. Would you want to go to a doctor that just woke up one day and said I think I will be a doctor now and do surgery on people to make a living. NOT!!! If you get involved do you not want it to last when you build it? Sure you do!!!! So all that other stuff has to be left out of the picture!

So then What is the problem with Network Marketing? YOU, You are the problem with Network Marketing. Everyone wants the money, cars, houses, bling, vacations etc. but 97% do not want to do and acquire what is needed to get the job done correctly. There for they flop and flounder and jump around like a fish out of water and then they say why? why can't I do this? Well the answer is simple......there is no short cuts, no magic wand. There are no magic words to get people to join, buy or support your network marketing opportunity! (and them stay with you) YOU and you alone are the only thing that can make it work! You have to want it deep down inside. You have to want to learn what it takes, you have to be willing to work 20 hour days for YEARS to get where you want to be. You have to go to events. You have to be dedicated to yourself. You have to have focus and determination. You have to want to HELP people!

I know that there will be a lot of people that stop reading my blog or following me because of this post however, I am not going to lie to people and I will not let them believe that some people are lucky and others are not. I will tell people the truth, no matter how many people it offends and in the end.........I will be smiling with a large group of people that I have been able to truly help!

Thanks for reading and please follow me for the next thoughts from Kris!
Kris Hanks

Monday, October 12, 2009

A breath of fresh air...........

Recently with the changes that have come about in life like the big move to FL last year and then trying to decide where we want to live in Fl. Then there is thinking about what would happen if we had to leave for a storm and returned to nothing but an address. This is a very real possibility when one lives in Fl and you are encouraged to think about these things as well as pack important documents and things in case you must leave in a hurry. Then if that wasn't enough Atlanta gets hit with the awful flood and so many people that I know personally were affected as well as that was were we lived.

All these things lead to a decision to lighten the load so to speak. We looked at the things that we have and the things that we could loose and decided that we needed to make some huge adjustments.

For the last two weeks we have been in the process of doing just that and i have to tell you that it is such a growing experience for me. I will not go into all the details about what we are doing but I will tell you that all of a sudden it is like taking a " breath of fresh air." I now have so little to worry over and about, I still have all my memories which is what I would have had anyway if something happened and I feel like a new person.

You see this is so outside my box that it is not funny. I don't like to give up anything that I feel I have earned or deserved for whatever reason. Now this is different because I choose to make a clean break. I can not explain to you the feeling that has created for me but I know I like it!!!!!

Thanks for reading and please follow me for my updates as they happen.
Kris Hanks

Friday, October 2, 2009

What are you allowing?

What are you allowing? Are you wanting and asking for this but thinking more about why you don't want that? Well if this sounds like something that you have struggled with you may actually be allowing the wrong things.....

You see in order to allow the correct things in your life you must focus and meditate on the things that you want and what you want to accomplish. It is not good enough to say that you want them, you must reach for them with your mind! You must think on the things you wish to bring to you. If you are constantly saying or thinking about the things you do not want you allowing those very things to come to be.

How many times have you wanted to accomplished one thing but worried so much about the opposite things that the very things that you worried about or thought so much about were the very things that came into your life and you asked yourself Why?

Well that is simple you allowed the wrong things into your thoughts and then they became reality.

Meditate every day on the things you desire and want to come into your like and stay positive, when negative comes to you get rid of it. Start doing this now and you will start to see the world change before your very eyes!!!

Thanks for reading and sign up to follow for the next thoughts.
Kris Hanks